Maple Park United Methodist Church Celebrating Its 60th Anniversary

During the month of September, Maple Park UMC in Chicago celebrated its 60th Anniversary as a faith-based church. The theme for this year is How We Got Over: Standing Tall, Standing Strong. We did so many wonderful things! On Saturday, September 16th, we had an Anniversary Banquet and Fashion Show at Francesca’s on 95th. The SPRC and Stewardship chairs, along with their team, spearheaded this wonderful occasion. What a fantastic day it was! Friendship Sunday was Sunday, September 17th. This was a special day where family and friends came to worship and fellowship at the church. Friendship Sunday was chaired by the Willing Workers. The United Women in Faith had a Pamper Me Day on Saturday, September 23rd in the Fellowship Hall. The ladies had facials and put on makeup, did yoga, had massages and manicures. What a fun, relaxing time! On Anniversary Sunday, September 24th, we had a wonderful time praising the Lord. Our pastor, Rev. Michael Mitchell, Sr., gave a powerful message titled, Ain’t No Stopping Us Now. He baptized three youth and two people joined the church that day! Yes, Maple Park UMC is on the move!